When it comes to credit card processing, there are several options on the market today. From the standard credit card terminal to a mobile solution, businesses have options. One way in which credit and debit cards can be processed is a wireless terminal. With Clover POS systems from Merchant Account Solutions, you have an excellent way to process payments with ease.
Clover Countertop POS System
If you want a sleek look within your storefront for processing payments wirelessly, the Clover Station is right for you. MAS has created a countertop POS system with a sleek look and design that uses technologically advanced software that can be used to streamline your business. With the features of the system, you have the ability to track inventory, make payments, manage employee time sheets, run reports, etc. With all the features, you can easily complete the day to day operations with ease.
The system is easy to set up and is the ultimate option for accepting payments. Credit cards and debits cards are accepted as well as EVM chip cards and touchless payments. Customers of your business will have a safe and secure way to complete transactions with the Clover unit.
Hardware and Software Combined
With the Clover system, business owners have the ability to use hardware and software to their advantage. Choose from a variety of systems to find the best unit to suit your business needs. From the full Clover Station to the Clover Mini and Clover Mobile, Merchant Account Solutions offers you just what you need in order to have a system that will complete payments securely, move payments to your provided account and offer essential features to help you better run your business.
You will have the exact tools you need to be able to retain and gain customers, plus keep your employees happy as they have an easy to use system for daily sales.