One of the important things to remember when managing a big team is that the people you are working with have bundles of talent and skills – so let employees use them. Don’t try to control everything yourself, instead make the most of the excellent people you have around you.
It may sound counterintuitive, but the more you have the right people for the job, the more your own role becomes redundant. Actually, you will find that you act as a facilitator making sure whatever it is you and your team are working on is progressing nicely.
Of course, none of this is possible without making the right decisions, keeping the lines of communication open and being organised.
Read on for more tips on how to manage large teams.
Be extra clear
Without doubt the biggest challenge facing large teams is communication and making sure everyone is on the same page.
While many may feel that spelling everything out is a waste of time, many employees would disagree. In fact, you have to be extra clear and very specific when working with lots of people – particularly if you are conducting business on a global scale.
Fostering teamwork and collaboration can also be tricky, so it may be useful to have shared documents and a log book so everyone can easily see what has been done and by whom. Utilising cloud computing can make this task even simpler, as documents can be accessed by all colleagues regardless of where they are located.
Again, to make sure this process runs as smoothly as possible, make sure you are using the right person for each job – rather than simply going by whoever is closest to the location where work is happening.
It’s good to talk
Continuing with the theme of communication, having an open door policy is essential no matter the number of people you have on your team.
After all, prevention is better than cure – which is why setting up surgeries so employees know they can come to you to discuss any issues before they arise, will eliminate potential problems in the long run.
Organising training sessions is another good idea and holding them via teleconferencing is a great way to allow employees to take part whenever it suits them. Rather than hiring a meeting room, using teleconferencing services can be just as effective and home workers or those in different locations will also be able to take part.
In addition, the same technology – which is incredibly simple and easy to use – could be used by employees so they can hold their own peer sessions should they wish to talk privately without a manager present.
Regular meetings
Holding regular meetings – whether weekly or monthly – is a great way for employees to keep abreast of everything that’s happening in the company.
However trivial or large the news may be, employees like to know what is happening behind the scenes so they can feel like they are part of the progression of the firm they are working for. This will in turn encourage staff to be more productive if they feel they are included and the work they are doing directly contributes to the bigger picture.
So, even if the news is about what’s happening at head office, a promotion or a new kettle in the kitchen – meetings are a great way to get everyone together to share company information and foster group morale.
For those firms that are reluctant to do this because of the overheads associated with hiring a meeting room and providing refreshments, utilising conference calls can cut down on overheads hugely, while still allowing all employees to take part.