Top Tips for Adding Transcripts or Captions to Your Short-Form Videos

Have you noticed how video content has become much more prevalent in recent years, especially in the world of business? Nowadays, there are more video tutorials, how-to guides, webinars, commentaries, and podcasts than ever. And the tech- and social media-savvy business knows how to make use of the rise in video viewership to enhance and improve their engagement with their clients, suppliers, shareholders, and everyone else who may be interested in what they have to offer.


But even if you have tons of video content for your business, it would be useless if it is not marketed properly. This is true not only for your long-form videos (those that are longer than five minutes), but also for your short-form videos as well.

If you are planning to add transcripts and captions to your short-form videos (your videos that are less than five minutes, in other words), here’s what you should consider.

Know your options

Placing the transcript directly onto the video’s body 

One of the most common options is to simply place your transcript directly on the video’s body on its landing page. A sub-option to this is placing the transcript on a text box which you can resize to the page’s dimensions, making it easily adapt to any restrictions the page may have. The good thing about placing your transcript directly onto the page is that it can be easily maintained, plus it’s easy to insert. However, one disadvantage is that Google may identify the page as a text instead of a video page. This becomes a drawback since it is only video pages which are more likely to be displayed with thumbnails in any search result, which then increases your click-through rate.

Placing the transcript onto a different page

Another option, however, is to place the transcript on an entirely different web page. This is a good alternative because it increases your number of web pages and even paves the way for new opportunities for cross-linking. With this option, you can also highlight any relevant text that is in the transcript then link this to any similar pages on your own website.

Having an interactive transcription or a plugin for captions

The third alternative is for you to make use of an interactive transcription or create plugins for your captions. These can easily be embedded either beside or below your video. With this, your viewers have the advantage of a transcript which they can scroll through and search using a keyword. Additionally, viewers can click on a word to move to a particular spot or frame in your video.

Another new method to adding transcripts and captions to your videos is by adding a mark-up through schema. This method lets publishers add metadata straight onto the HTML body. And yet another method for adding captions is by using HTML5. These two methods are relatively new, and in fact, the HTML5 method is still not widely known.

Whatever option you decide to go for in adding transcripts or captions to your videos, the point is taking note of the importance of a properly transcribed or captioned video. Transcription services abound nowadays, but it is also important to enlist the service of a reliable, experienced provider like to get more than your money’s worth.



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Top Tips for Adding Transcripts or Captions to Your Short-Form Videos