Many businesses have been keen to embrace the benefits of cloud computing, enjoying the fact they can access data remotely and no longer have to put resources towards maintaining internal servers.
However, the fact that the cloud offers users of web-enabled devices the ability to access files and documents anywhere and everywhere is precisely why some firms have yet to take the technology to their hearts. While cloud computing has been proven to make businesses more flexible and has helped them cut costs, many have found it hard to overcome concerns about whether their data is secure.
Nevertheless, the fact they have the option of setting up private clouds has helped to address this issue, particularly for organisations such as financial services providers that routinely handle extremely sensitive customer data.
Private clouds limit access to data
The key attribute of a private cloud is that access is restricted only to authorised personnel, which means the chances of any information falling into the wrong hands is reduced significantly.
Cyber-crime is obviously something businesses have to be extremely conscious of, but it’s worth pointing out this isn’t the only threat to data that exists. Employee negligence can also lead to information being misplaced or leaked, so limiting access in this way can be a useful step to take.
And it means that if a web-enabled device such as a tablet or laptop is lost or stolen, a company doesn’t have to worry about sensitive data being accessed.
Robust security precautions make the possibility of a damaging data breach far more remote and provide vital assurances both to employees and customers. Firms can therefore enjoy all the benefits that cloud computing offers, in the confidence that their files and documents are being handled properly and securely.
One of the key benefits of cloud computing for firms is that they don’t need to spend as much on maintaining and upgrading their IT systems. This can be especially valuable for small businesses with modest resources, freeing up their time and money so they can concentrate on delivering their core services.
If they don’t have dedicated servers on-site, firms can in turn cut their energy usage, thereby saving money on bills and cutting their carbon emissions. This ultimately helps not only to fuel growth within an organisation, but to manage it in an effective way. After all, a business that sees a considerable increase in its client base would once have had to invest in a newer server with a higher capacity in order to handle the greater workload and quantity of information.
Setting up a private cloud renders this unnecessary, with the platforms growing in line with each business and able to be customised accordingly.
A private cloud can also aid disaster recovery, with data being accessible even if an office is flooded or burnt out. And if a server does go down, the data is instantly transferred elsewhere, so a company can continue operating without any downtime.
Ultimately though, data security will be foremost on the minds of businesses that are considering whether or not to set up a private cloud. With Canopy – the open cloud company looking after a firm’s data storage and accessibility matters, it can be confident the information it holds is safe and secure. This sets it up nicely to deliver a quality service to customers and expand its operations.